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Typhoid Mary
S2 E08 | It's crazy times and T.C. & Jim try to come up with a crazy script about people getting sick.

G.I. Joe
S2 E07 | T.C. and Jim write an alternative G.I. Joe film while keeping the original casting choices unchanged.

Robin Hood
S2 E06 | It's been done so many times...and rarely done well...the studio demands that T.C. and Jim pitch a good Robin Hood movie.

Mother Goose Cinematic Universe
S2 E05 | T.C. and Jim build a classic cinematic universe using the characters from Mother Goose rhymes.

Justice League (1995)
T.C. & Jim pitch what a Justice League film could have been back when Tim Burton was developing Superman Lives.

Ghostbusters (2016)
S2 E01 | It's the Season 2 premiere episode and T.C. & Jim craft a continuation to the Ghostbusters universe.

Season 1 Finale
S1 E22 | T.C. and Jim look back over the season and talk about some of the highlights as well as unexpected turns during production.

The Legend of Zelda
T.C. is joined by David Geisler, from 'Another Zelda Podcast' as the two try to conceptualize and pitch a Legend of Zelda film.

The Princess Bride II
S1 EP20 | T.C. and Jim build a sequel to the much loved film, The Princess Bride.

The Haunted Mansion
S1 EP17 | T.C. and Jim talk about how to do a trilogy based on The Haunted Mansion of Disney fame.
A Versus Movie
S1 EP16 | In this episode Jim and T.C. get a bag of money to spitball and pitch the perfect versus movie.
The Goonies II
S1 EP15 | In this episode T.C. and Jim craft a true sequel to the 1985 film, The Goonies.
SONY'S Spider-man
In this episode T.C. and Jim try to figure out how to realize Sony's real-life third and fourth Tom Holland Spider-man films.
Super Mario Bros.
S1 EP13 | In this episode T.C. and Jim craft a series of films based on two famous plumbers finding the Mushroom Kingdom.
A Successful Video Game Movie
S1 EP12 | In this episode T.C. and Jim table multiple concepts for video game franchises that might work well as films.

Ace Ventura III - The Great White North
In this episode T.C. and Jim invite Finn Murray to join them as they attempt to build a final film for an Ace Ventura trilogy.

Home Alone
S1 EP09 | T.C. and Jim craft a soft reboot for the Home Alone franchise based on a listener's request.

Fantastic Beasts
S1 EP08 | Jim and T.C. craft a Fantastic Beasts franchise that the studio ends up being very happy with.
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